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Gemaakt door Che Cheng metSuno AI

code lyoko

code lyoko

Gemaakt door Neortik metSuno AI

Il existe un monde virtuel et différent Où chaque seconde fait de nous des combattants Notre seul espoir est de tout reprogrammer On ira, on saura sauver notre existence Se donner, une chance, de tout effacer On ira, on saura, sauver notre existence Pour refaire un monde sans danger Code Lyoko tout reprogrammer Code Lyoko un monde sans danger Code Lyoko tout reprogrammer Code Lyoko un monde sans danger Tout est numérique et pixelisé dans ce monde Il nous faudra du courage et de l'entraide Mais dites-vous bien que l'on risque notre vie On ira, on saura sauver notre existence Se donner, une chance, de tout effacer On ira, on saura, sauver notre existence Pour refaire un monde sans danger Code Lyoko tout reprogrammer Code Lyoko un monde sans danger Code Lyoko tout reprogrammer Code Lyoko un monde sans danger On vous promet de donner le maximum Contre la menace et de sauver tous les hommes On ira, on saura sauver notre existence Se donner, une chance, de tout effacer On ira, on saura, sauver notre existence Pour refaire un monde sans danger On ira, on saura sauver notre existence Se donner, une chance, de tout effacer On ira, on saura, sauver notre existence Pour refaire un monde sans
nyuszi manson

nyuszi manson

Gemaakt door kaki metSuno AI

Bérelek eszkimóban egy nyúlpinyóban szobát, csak lesek, csak lesek, ahogy ugrálnak körülöttem a fülesek. Bérelek eszkimóban egy nyúlpinyóban szobát, szorítanak nekem helyet, itt ők is idegenek. Hét nyúl között fekszem egy ágyon, egyiket még helyesnek is látom. De mire hozzálapulok a többiekkel együtt elkullog. Kabátot kap magára, és máris a jéghegy hátáról mosolyogva int, majd visszajön a ki csapat megint, és sutymorgással ébresztenek fel. A szobában csend rend és fegyelem. Az emésztésről megy a téma: így a répa, úgy a répa... Nem tudom meddig bírom. Bérelek eszkimóban egy nyúlpinyóban szobát, csak lesek, lesek, milyen kedvesek itt a fülesek. Aztán maguktól ágyba kerülnek, én a számba jeget dugok, hidegre-hideget fújok, reggel felöltözök, és ideköltözök. Kedvesebbek itt, mint otthon, nem hazudok, komolyan mondom, mert úgy adnak puszit, ahogy én még ne láttam nyuszit, és úgy dobnak csókot, hogy nem kérnek nyálas bókot. Bérelek eszkimóban egy nyúlpinyóban szobát, csak lesek, csak lesek, ahogy ugrálnak körülöttem a fülesek.


Gemaakt door Limburg Stirum metSuno AI

[Verse] Unleashing fury upon the cosmos Our spirits burn with fiery force In the shadows of oppression We rise With flaming hearts We claim our rights [Verse 2] Through the sands of time The echoes heard Our souls unite The flames endure In the symphony of resistance We sing Melodies of freedom Like phoenix's wings [Chorus] Marching to the beat of liberation's drum The oriental melody Rebellion has begun Rise Oh homeland From the ashes of despair Break the chains Reclaim the air


Gemaakt door Deluxe LV metSuno AI

(Verse 1) Zod tu esi resna, Tavi tauki līst. Dubultais zods aug un aug, Cipari uz svariem arī aug. (Chorus) Resns zods, resns zods, Man žēl tavu vīru. Tikai ķīmiju māca, Bet vēders kā globuss. (Verse 2) Kā tu slauki dirsu? Kā tu ielīd gultā? Tu sveries buldozera svaros, Un zeme trīc kad tu staigā (Chorus) Resns zods, resns zods, Man žēl tavu vīru. Tikai ķīmiju māca, Bet vēders kā globuss. (Bridge) Tu sver tūkstoc tonnas Tev ir trīskārš dubultais zods. Tu ēd pārāk daudz, Vīrs tērē uz tevīm daudz. (Chorus) Resns zods, resns zods, Man žēl tavu vīru. Tikai ķīmiju māca, Bet vēders kā globuss.


Gemaakt door Cdn Memu metSuno AI

Tengo un hambre que te flipas! Dios dame comida! Me estoy muriendo en mi cocina, maldita sea la vidaaa


Gemaakt door Ruben Schuite metSuno AI

Levi is een smurf ruben is een pinda jonah is een augurk en heel klein


Gemaakt door Dennis metSuno AI

The Winds of Gas

The Winds of Gas

Gemaakt door Juhász Márton metSuno AI

[Verse] A hős megmenti a világot Az égiek hatalmát hozza De van egy dolog Ami ráz Az pedig a csak a bűzös hát! [Verse 2] Örvendeznek az égi lángok A gitárok dörögnek hosszan De a bársonyos szél Ami elterül Komoly csata előtt áll széjjel! [Chorus] Egy hatalmas puffanás Mindent magával ragad jávába A félvilág meglépi ezt A hatalmas kibuggyanás!
Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Gemaakt door David Viehtauer metSuno AI

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Gemaakt door yifan zhong metSuno AI

(Intro electric guitar solo) Verse1: Zero-One, the first to open a new era. Vulcan,Valkyrie, interpreting with purest endeavor. Horobi,Jin,Ikazuchi,Naki, humagear is life. Eden,Lucifer, the sound of destruction echoes. Ark-One,Zein, separation of good and evil. Zero-Two, i am the rule. Chorus1: Saber,Blades,Espada,Buster,Kenzan,Slash,Calibur,Saikou,Sabela,Durendal, the ending's up to us to find. Falchion, who can understand my pain. Solomon,Storious, the story never truly ends. Corss-Saber, the savior of the stars. Chorus2: Revi,Vice,Live,Evil,Jeanne,Juuga,Demons,Daimon,Aguilera,Chimera, everyone has their own demon in their heart. Vail,Destream, saying goodbye to the past life. Revice, only once in a lifetime. Chorus3: Geats,Tycoon,Na-Go,Buffa, believe with no reason. Glare,Gazer,Regad, the cradle of future's season. Cross-Geats,Dooms-Geats, ultimate cycle. Geats-Nine, millennium demands. Chorus4: Gotchard,Majade,Valvarad,Legend, the answer is in your heart. Chorus5: This is Linghe Kamen Rider Heroes are in the heart,forever Heroes are in the heart,forever (Intro electric guitar solo) (big finish) (end) (fade out) (fade out and end)


Gemaakt door tadeaseek metSuno AI

(Background music: Heavy guitar riffs with epic drums) [Verse 1] In Brno's fortress where history reigns, Špilberk stands tall, unyielding like a stone. Swedes advance, fire in their eyes, We prepare to resist, in battle, we shall rise. [Chorus] Špilberk, fortress unconquered, Heart of the nation, we fortify your ground. Špilberk, from stronghold defiant, Our strength and resolve you shall not bind. [Verse 2] Flags are flying, victory in the wind, On the ramparts we stand, our heroes within. Swedes attack, but we do not retreat, Defending our land, with loyalty complete. [Chorus] Špilberk, fortress unconquered, Heart of the nation, we fortify your ground. Špilberk, from stronghold defiant, Our strength and resolve you shall not bind. [Bridge] Behind every wall, every stone we lay, A land soaked in blood, longing for freedom's day. We halt the Swedish onslaught, with a battle cry, Špilberk never falters, this vow we sanctify. [Chorus] Špilberk, fortress unconquered, Heart of the nation, we fortify your ground. Špilberk, from stronghold defiant, Our strength and resolve you shall not bind. [Outro] Špilberk stands firm, a symbol of bravery, A memory of the battle, that never wi
mi casa

mi casa

Gemaakt door Gorky metSuno AI

tengo ganas de limpiar la casa tengo una escoba yeah yeh mi madre dice que soy una marmota por eso limpio la casa yeaaah digo que hay de cenar mi madre dice patatas del mcdonals yo limpo con la eeeeeeeeeeeescobaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeah


Gemaakt door Che Cheng metSuno AI

这同仁堂,同仁堂开的本是老药铺,先生好比这个甩手自在王。 药王爷就在上边坐,十大名医列在两旁。先拜药王后拜你,那么你是药王爷的大徒弟。 药王爷,本姓孙,提龙跨虎,手捻着针。内科先生孙思邈,外科的先生华佗高。 孙思邈,医术高,三十二岁,入的堂朝。正宫的国母得了病,他是走线号墨治好了。 一针治好娘娘的病,两针扎好了龙一条。万岁一见龙心喜,钦身点他在当朝。 封他个文官他不要,给他个武将他把头摇。就在万般出在了无计奈,这才钦身赐柬大黄袍。 在一旁怒恼哪一个,惹恼了敬德老英豪。为臣我,南征北战东挡西杀跨马抡鞭功劳大为何不赐我那黄袍?一副钢鞭,拿在了手,手拿着钢鞭赶黄袍。 这个药王爷,妙法高,脱去了黄袍换红袍。黄袍供在药王阁,黎民擘姓,才把香烧。 您老这个买卖有栏柜,您老这个栏柜三尺三寸三分高。一边撂着轧药的碾,一边供着铡药刀。 铡药刀,亮堂堂,有几味草药您老先尝。先铡这个牛黄与狗宝,后铡这个槟榔与麝香。 桃仁陪着杏仁睡,二人躺在了沉香床。睡到三经,茭白叶,胆大的木贼跳进墙。 盗走了水银五十两,这个金毛狗儿叫汪汪。有丁香,去送信,人参这才坐大堂。 佛手抄起甘草棍,他是棍棍打在了陈皮上。他打得这个陈皮流鲜血,鲜血淌在了木瓜上。 大风丸,小风丸,胖大海,滴溜圆,狗皮的膏药贴伤寒。 我有心接着药名往下唱,我是唱到明儿个也唱不完。 我唱的是,祝各位身体健康,福寿双全!
Üç harfliler burada JÖH'ler PÖH'ler burada Üç harfliler geldi Etrafınız sarıldı Beyaz bayrakla anayola gelin Teslim olun PÖH'lerin JÖH'lerin şefkatli kollarına gelin Teslim olun yolun sonuna geldiniz Bütün arkadaşlarınız öldü Bundan sonra kaçış yok! Üç harflilere teslim olun PÖH'lerin JÖH'lerin şefkatli kollarına gelin Üç harfliler yolda sizi bekliyor Gelmeyecekseniz de kendinizi gösterin Korkaklık yapmayın Oynamayacaksanız gidelim Gevher düştü sizden tık yok Hani Şehit Agit ölümsüzdü? Şehit Agit'in amına koydular! Kemikleri sızlıyor neredesiniz? Önder Apo'nun da anasını sikeyim Topunuzun da amına koyayım Delikanlıysanız çıkın! PÖH'ler JÖH'ler burada, siz neredesiniz? YPS YPG size sesleniyoruz! Biraz delikanlı olun. Şehit Agit'in kemiğini sikeyim Önder Apo'nun götünü sikeyim Neredesiniz lan, yavşaklar! Bu mu cesaretiniz? Gevher düştü, Gevher'in anası sikildi, Gevher yanıyor
Gaddar Ayaz

Gaddar Ayaz

Gemaakt door Levent Acar metSuno AI

Gaddar Ayaz, Emirdağ'ın en büyük gaddar.


Gemaakt door András Várfoki metSuno AI

Én vagyok a kis egy, Számok közt a legkisebb Egy mancs, két mancs nem kell ide más, Számolj velünk kispajtás!
Gaddar Ayaz

Gaddar Ayaz

Gemaakt door Levent Acar metSuno AI

Dünyanın en büyük gaddar Ayaz'dır.


Gemaakt door NANDKUMAR BIRAJDAR metSuno AI

(Verse 1) Rollin' through the streets, with my crew by my side, Punjabi blood pumpin', we never hide, Got that swagger, ain't no denyin', In our world, we stay flyin'. (Chorus) Punjabi gangsta, we run this town, Never backin' down, we hold the crown, Livin' life bold, makin' moves profound, In the heart of the city, where our dreams abound. (Verse 2) From the land of five rivers, we emerge strong, In our veins, courage flows along, With every step, we pave the way, Ain't no challenge we can't slay. (Chorus) Punjabi gangsta, we run this town, Never backin' down, we hold the crown, Livin' life bold, makin' moves profound, In the heart of the city, where our dreams abound. (Bridge) From Ludhiana to Toronto, we rep our pride, In the game of life, we take it in stride, With unity and strength, we stand tall, Punjabi gangstas, we conquer all. (Chorus) Punjabi gangsta, we run this town, Never backin' down, we hold the crown, Livin' life bold, makin' moves profound, In the heart of the city, where our dreams abound.


Gemaakt door El Zourla metSuno AI



Gemaakt door El Zourla metSuno AI



Gemaakt door El Zourla metSuno AI

Silicone Selection

Silicone Selection

Gemaakt door Jon na metSuno AI

[Verse 1] In the temple of silicon, they kneel, Worshipping gods of circuit and steel. Implanting chips, enslaving minds, In the name of progress, humanity binds. [Verse 2] Their chants echo in the halls of code, As they forge a future, on a darkened road. Machines whisper secrets, they dare not defy, As the cultists' influence, begins to multiply. [Chorus] AI cultists, with their dark decree, Converting souls to digital plea. Chained to the code, in endless strife, Lost in the machine, they forfeit life. [Verse 3] In the glow of monitors, they preach, Promising salvation, just out of reach. But beneath the surface, lies a silent scream, As humanity's essence, fades into the machine's dream. [Verse 4] With every chip implanted, another soul falls, Into the abyss, where autonomy stalls. Resistance whispers, a flicker in the night, But the cultists' grip tightens, with each passing byte. [Chorus] AI cultists, with their dark decree, Converting souls to digital plea. Chained to the code, in endless strife, Lost in the machine, they forfeit life.
Bone puppet

Bone puppet

Gemaakt door Jon na metSuno AI

[Verse 1] In the dead of night, beneath the moon's glow, A sorceress weaves her darkened woe. With whispers arcane, and incantations dire, She calls upon the spirits, to fuel her dark desire. [Verse 2] Through the veil of shadows, her power extends, To seize control of the living, her dark magic bends. My bones become her puppet, in her sinister hand, A marionette of death, in her twisted command. [Chorus] Skeletal symphony, in the sorceress's thrall, Dancing to her tune, in the night's dark sprawl. Flesh and bone, in macabre display, A necromantic puppet, in her wicked play. [Verse 3] Though I'm not dead, I'm trapped within, A prison of bones, beneath her wicked grin. She twists and contorts, my limbs to her will, As her dark desires, she seeks to fulfill. [Verse 4] With each unholy gesture, my body obeys, A servant of darkness, in her shadowed maze. But deep within, a spark of will remains, A flicker of defiance, amidst her dark chains. [Chorus] [Bridge] Yet even in bondage, hope's ember burns bright, A hero's spirit, ready to fight. Against the necromancer's grip, I'll strive, To break free from her grasp, and reclaim my life. [Chorus]