
POP Music

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Gemaakt door Filefinishtk Filefinishtk metSuno AI

¡Marieta, Marieta, qué cabeza tan brillante! Con tu calva resplandeciente, siempre tan elegante. Eres la reina de la moda sin cabello, Con tu estilo único, ¡eres todo un destello! Marieta se levanta cada día con una sonrisa, Su cabeza al sol brilla como una caricia. No tiene pelo, pero tiene mucho encanto, Con su actitud positiva, es un verdadero encanto. ¡Marieta, Marieta, con tu brillo natural! La calvicie te queda bien, ¡es algo genial! No necesitas peinarte ni preocuparte del viento, Eres libre y radiante, eso es lo que siento. Marieta baila y ríe, siempre llena de energía, No hay nada que la detenga, es una algarabía. Sus amigos la admiran por ser tan auténtica, Con su calvicie a la vista, ¡es simplemente mágica! La calvicie es solo un detalle, no define quien eres, Marieta demuestra que la belleza está en ser sincera. Con su cabeza brillante y su corazón gigante, Ella sigue siendo la estrella, ¡sin importar el semblante! ¡Marieta, Marieta, una inspiración sin igual! Tu calvicie no te detiene, eres un vendaval. Con tu carisma y tu fuerza, irradias felicidad, Eres única y especial
Rolands ceļojumā no Krievijas uz Latviju

Rolands ceļojumā no Krievijas uz Latviju

Gemaakt door Ingus Zaļauskis (DELUXE) metSuno AI

(Verse 1) Rolands bija vīrs no tālās Krievijas, Savu dzīvi viņš vēlējās pārveidot. Latvija viņam šķita kā brīnumainas zemes, Kur viņš varētu atrast jaunu sākumu. (Chorus) Rolands, Rolands, ceļojums uz ziemeļiem, Pāri mežiem un kalniem, viņš devās. Latvija viņam bija kā mīlestības dziesma, Kur viņš atradīs savu vietu pasaulē. (Verse 2) Viņš iegāja Latvijas mežos un purvos, Savu pagātni atstājot aiz muguras. Viņš mācījās latviešu valodu un dziedāja dziesmas, Kļūstot par daļu no šīs zemes. (Chorus) Rolands, Rolands, ceļojums uz ziemeļiem, Pāri mežiem un kalniem, viņš devās. Latvija viņam bija kā mīlestības dziesma, Kur viņš atradīs savu vietu pasaulē. (Bridge) Viņš satika cilvēkus ar siltām sirdīm, Kuri viņu uzņēma ar atvērtām rokām. Rolands saprata, ka viņš ir mājās, Šajā zemē, kur viņš atrada savu ceļu. (Chorus) Rolands, Rolands, ceļojums uz ziemeļiem, Pāri mežiem un kalniem, viņš devās. Latvija viņam bija kā mīlestības dziesma, Kur viņš atradīs savu vietu pasaulē. (Outro) Un tā Rolands palika Latvijā, Stāstot citiem par savu piedzīvojumu. Viņš bija ceļotājs, kas atrada savu mājvietu, Un dziedāja dziesmu par savu jauno dzīvi.
stag woe

stag woe

Gemaakt door Oliver Howells metSuno AI

a song about owen having an awful time on his stag do before getting married to his one true love called emily
Schalke vor

Schalke vor

Gemaakt door Melina beckeherm metSuno AI

Natürlich, hier kommt der Refrain: Schalke vor, oh Schalke vor, wir folgen dir von Ort zu Ort. Mit Bier und Gesang, so klingt unser Chor, Schalke 04, für immer vor! Singen wir laut, singen wir stolz, Schalke 04, unser Fels in der Brandung holz. Prost auf die Knappen, in jeder Spur, für die Liebe zum Spiel, und die Treue so pur! Auf Schalke da schlägt unser Herz, für Königsblau, das ist kein Scherz. Mit Fußball und einem Bier in der Hand, feiern wir Siege im ganzen Land. Zusammen stehen wir, treu und fest, Schalke 04, du bist das Beste! Im Stadion, da singen wir laut, für unseren Club, darauf sind wir stolz! Prost auf die Knappen, stark und wahr, mit jedem Tor, wird's klarer und klarer. Schalke vor, noch ein Tor, wir stehen zu dir, jetzt und sofort! Lass uns siegen, lass uns träumen, in blau und weiß, unsere Farben versäumen. Schalke vor, oh Schalke vor, unser Herz schlägt für dich, immerfort!
TikTok Love

TikTok Love

Gemaakt door Ammar G. metSuno AI

[Verse 1] Sitting on the couch It's a Friday night With my girl Mariya Everything feels right Scrolling through TikTok on our own little screen We're lost in this world Just living the dream [Verse 2] Videos making us laugh Making us smile Side by side Feeling these moments compile The Chainsmokers playing in the background Our love's in the air Floating all around [Chorus] We found love in a TikTok haze (oh-oh) Dancing in the glow Turning nights into days With you by my side This love will ignite Mariya You and I Burning so bright
Drifting Away

Drifting Away

Gemaakt door Maxdud metSuno AI

[modern rock German pop Melodic] [Verse] Lost in the shadows Searching for light In a world so cold Don't know what's right Heart heavy with sorrow Pain on my sleeve Chasing a dream that I can't believe [Verse 2] The city streets are alive But I feel alone Battles within me Tearing up my soul But I keep on walking Moving ahead Gotta find the strength to escape this dread
Anyám tikjeeee

Anyám tikjeeee

Gemaakt door Joel Jocó metSuno AI

Ej, mi a kő! tyúkanyó, kend A szobában lakik itt bent? Lám, csak jó az isten, jót ád, Hogy fölvitte a kend dolgát! Itt szaladgál föl és alá, Még a ládára is fölszáll, Eszébe jut, kotkodácsol, S nem verik ki a szobából. Dehogy verik, dehogy verik! Mint a galambot etetik, Válogat a kendermagban, A kiskirály sem él jobban.


Gemaakt door Ali KARATAŞ metSuno AI

Hadi buldun, çok karmaşık Olamazsın çok yapışık Biraz kıskanç bazen Meriç Bulursunuz hep sonra piç Alaturka aşklar arar Yanaşana dersiniz Aa aa o mu? O benim Kankiiiiim, kankim. Hadi dersin yürüyelim Tunalıdan Kızılay’a Tutmuşum elini birde Sanki bu iş oldu tamam Buluşalım tekrar yarın Öğleden sonra ikide Ama lütfen sakın deme belkiiiiii Belki


Gemaakt door дарья гридасова metSuno AI

влад борисенко я хочу тебя жестко вот бы облизывать твою лысину днями на пролет пока ты ласкаешь мою киску


Gemaakt door Ersin Özkan metSuno AI

Yeter yarab yeter bitsin bu hasret Ümit yollarımın hepsi kapalı Kimsesiz yanlızım tükendim ben artık Hep böyleyim dertliyim hep böyle yaralı Yaralı yaralı şu gönlüm yaralı Benim ki kahrolmak yaşamak değil ki Her feryad bin dertle ağlamak nedir ki Bu nasıl Allah çiledir çekilir değil ki Çırpınır dururum hep böyle yaralı Yaşarken yanmışım cehennem nedir ki Bağrımda bir ateş yüreğim yaralı Yaralı yaralı şu gönlüm yaralı


Gemaakt door Cr 7 metSuno AI

Én a szegénységben nőttem fel de még volt mindenem így sosem adtam fel szegény apám becsülettel nevelt de sajnos az élet közbe szólt és ő tőlem el ment szegény anyám becsülettel harcolt hogy a fia ne legyen egy csavargó de nézd anyám nagy fiú lettem már én és ígérem vissza kapod amit adtál nekem oly rég a felhőtlen gyerekkort és a sok nevetést ígérem meg hálálom én most ott tart az életem hogy minden rendben két gyönyörű fiú lett az életemben remélem büszke vagy most te rám és tudom hogy fentről figyel minket az apám!


Gemaakt door HongKi Khoo metSuno AI

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away The other night, dear, as I laid sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken So I hung my head and cried You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away
Aşkı saklayanları

Aşkı saklayanları

Gemaakt door Rahile Mustafayeva metSuno AI

Yarım kalan masamdaki şarapları seni soran sabahları azarladım yazar hayat böyle kaybedenleri aşkı saklayanları derbeder olanları
Pierre Squelart

Pierre Squelart

Gemaakt door Dark on fxre metSuno AI

(Refrain) Pierre Squelart, un gars un peu à part, Juif, drôle, mais parfois en retard. Il fait des blagues, mais souvent il flop, On rit quand même, même si c'est un peu trop. (Couplet 1) Dans la vie, il aime rigoler, Mais parfois, il sait pas trop s'arrêter. Juif, mais c'est pas ce qui le définit, C'est son humour qu'on aime, c'est garanti. (Refrain) Pierre Squelart, un gars un peu à part, Juif, drôle, mais parfois en retard. Il fait des blagues, mais souvent il flop, On rit quand même, même si c'est un peu trop. (Couplet 2) Il dit qu'il est poilu, mais tout mignon, Ses crottes de nez, c'est sa passion. Un peu gênant, mais c'est son charme, Ses pieds, on les aime, c'est pas un drame. (Pont) Pierre Squelart, on te prend comme tu es, Avec tes défauts, on te dit jamais assez. Juif, drôle, un peu décalé, Mais c'est comme ça qu'on t'aime, ne change jamais. (Refrain) Pierre Squelart, un gars un peu à part, Juif, drôle, mais parfois en retard. Il fait des blagues, mais souvent il flop, On rit quand même, même si c'est un peu trop.
My Song Title

My Song Title

Gemaakt door soham secondary metSuno AI

[Verse] Happy birthday to my little cutie You're like a ducky So sweet and bright You're my Boka My shining star Chimni Somdi My love is never far [Verse 2] Komdi Lomdi You make my heart sing Irreplaceable Boka My everything You're my penguin Always by my side Rabbit Bokdi Let's take this wild ride [Chorus] Happy birthday My Mera Popat You're my Panda I love you a lot Happy birthday My Somuu Momuuu You're the one who makes my dreams come true


Gemaakt door Артур Сковородин metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In realms unseen, where shadows dance, Awaits a tale of valor's trance. Heroes rise, a noble band, To save the world, a sacred stand. (Chorus) Oh, Saviors, shining bright, Guardians of hope, dispelling night. With hearts of fire, they bravely fight, To bring back dawn and vanquish blight. (Verse 2) Through treacherous paths, they forge ahead, Their spirits strong, their courage spread. Against the darkness, they shall prevail, With every step, their legend they unveil. (Chorus) Oh, Saviors, shining bright, Guardians of hope, dispelling night. With hearts of fire, they bravely fight, To bring back dawn and vanquish blight. (Chorus) Oh, Saviors, shining bright, Guardians of hope, dispelling night. With hearts of fire, they'll win the fight, And bring forth a world renewed and right.

Gemaakt door Opkk metSuno AI

The Lost Sun

The Lost Sun

Gemaakt door Артур Сковородин metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In a realm where shadows dance and play, There was a sun that shone so bright, A celestial flame, guiding the way, Dispelling darkness with its golden light. (Chorus) Oh, the lost sun, where have you gone? We miss your radiance, we yearn for your glow, Your warmth and brilliance, forever withdrawn, Leaving us in shadows, filled with woe. (Verse 2) Through fields of despair and valleys of dread, We wander aimlessly, lost and afraid, Searching for hope amidst the sorrow we tread, But the sun remains hidden, casting no aid. (Chorus) Oh, the lost sun, where have you gone? We miss your radiance, we yearn for your glow, Your warmth and brilliance, forever withdrawn, Leaving us in shadows, filled with woe. (Bridge) Like a moth drawn to a flame's allure, We reach out to the heavens, seeking your grace, But our pleas are met with silence, forever pure, As darkness envelopes this desolate space. (Verse 3) Yet, even in despair, a flicker of light, A memory of the sun's golden embrace, Ignites a flame within us, burning bright, A testament to hope, in this shadowed place. (Chorus) Oh, the lost sun, though you may be gone, Your spirit lives on, within our hearts' core
Winning in the Game of Life

Winning in the Game of Life

Gemaakt door Freddie Gilbert Susngi metSuno AI

[Verse] On the field We come alive Where the grass is green and dreams survive Every kick Every goal We're in the zone Football is life It's in our bones (yeah) [Verse] Addicted to the thrill We never rest Chasing glory We give our best From the moment the whistle blows We're unstoppable The passion flows (oh-oh) [Chorus] Referee may blow the whistle (blow the whistle) But we keep on running We never fizzle (never fizzle) Living for the game We never stall We kick the balls and we give it our all (give it all)


Gemaakt door Ti Cool metSuno AI

Te vagy a viharos tengerbe a nyugalmat hozó napsütés te vagy a sötét rideg szóban a meleg a fény ölelj át karodal mint anya gyermekét félts úgy mint szegény legbecsesebb kincsét add nekem a szíved minden vágyat ömét hagy érezem én is lángját megfagy a kezem mikor hozzád ér jégbönbe zártad a szived nagya harag ami bennem él segís ne az indulat vezerelje minden tettem mert maga a szenvedés
The Earth’s Breath

The Earth’s Breath

Gemaakt door Артур Сковородин metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In emerald embrace, where life finds its home, The Earth breathes deep, a symphony of its own. From mountains grand to oceans vast, Her song unfolds, a timeless cast. (Chorus) Oh, the Earth's breath, a symphony profound, Guiding us through time, on sacred ground. Her gentle whisper, a balm to the soul, As her story unfolds, a tale yet to be told. (Verse 2) Through ancient forests, where secrets reside, Her breath weaves magic, where dreams collide. The rustle of leaves, a lullaby of grace, Guiding us through paths, a timeless embrace. (Verse 3) In fields of gold, where the sunbeams dance, Her breath brings life, a vibrant trance. Grains sway gently, whispering tales untold, Nurturing our spirits, a story yet to unfold. (Chorus) Oh, the Earth's breath, a symphony profound, Guiding us through time, on sacred ground. Her gentle whisper, a balm to the soul, As her story unfolds, a tale yet to be told. (Bridge) From raging rivers to tranquil streams, Her breath flows onward, fulfilling our dreams. In every drop, a reflection we see, Of our connection, an eternal decree. (Chorus) Oh, the Earth's breath, a symphony profound, Guiding us through time, on sacred ground.


Gemaakt door babu e metSuno AI

make a song with name noam jamal


Gemaakt door pavel metSuno AI

Вернуть нельзя Опять слеза по щеке Летит мечта короткий след от комет Великий ход столетний лед от потерь Рассвет и тьма все будет там или нет Лети вперед, и отрази Все то что знаешь и гляди Внутри себя и все вокруг не знаешь ты Границы нет, и нет преград Наступит может Вертоград О чем слова, не знаю я не знаешь ты...


Gemaakt door Artur Łuszczek metSuno AI

[Intro] [Breakdown] It is I Nefertari [Verse] my happiness was molded out of slave ropes in my hair I wore a golden band I knew nothing about the people on whose shoulders shackles were tightening Now my throat is smothered by a ring of pain vein cords swell on my temples I hide suffering under the eyelids in my strained veins flows fear [Pre-Chorus] [Choir] Vengeance wears masks of human faces [Breakdown] TESTIMONY [End]