Old man in Japan, steps into the zone,
Pachinko lights flash, he's on his own,
Coins drop, balls bounce, in the rhythm's dance,
Luck fades fast, no winning chance.
Balls roll, machine hums, in the bass's thump,
Old man's hopes, in a downward slump,
Lesson learned, in the arcade's haze,
Pachinko's grip, a losing craze.
Don’t diss me or you’ll miss me take it from the top or let me let it drop
Yo, wrongなんかに sick, rightにも sick,
Bickeringしまくり, ain't sitting tight.
Controlしようとして, divideしようとして,
Enough's enough, uniteするtimeだ。
(歌って踊る, wear what we please,
Makeupを塗って, with style and ease.
古めかしいルール, we don't follow,
Break the mold, we're the ones in control.)
Conformしろって言われ, their leadに従うのは pass,
We blaze our own trail, that's how we last.
Limitsも chainsもない, freedomを embrace,
That's how we stay true, that's how we embrace.
So let's stand united, side by side,
Showing our power, our strength, and our pride.
Singing, dancing, with spirits so bright,
'Cause we're the ones shining even in the darkest of night.
Yo! It's the B.I.G B Double E. Coming at you live with some tasty honey!
If you want some of this and to hang with my crew! Then here's a small list of things you gotta do!
Bee yourself, be kind, and don't forget to share!
Bee creative, ask for help, cause we're a crew who cares!
If you're lonely, come on over and we'll make it right!
Cause when you're with my crew! Our family bond is always tight!
I'm from the trenches, where the pain runs deep,
Every day's a struggle, ain't no time for sleep,
Raised by the streets, where the code is loyalty,
But betrayal cuts deep, it's a harsh reality.
In the city where the shots ring out,
Gotta watch your back, ain't no room for doubt,
Survival of the fittest, that's the only creed,
In the land of the brave, where we plant our seeds.
I seen my homies fall, seen 'em taken by the streets,
Got me feeling numb, like I'm stuck in repeat,
But I ain't backing down, nah, I'm standing tall,
Gonna make it out the struggle, gonna rise above it all.
In the city where the shots ring out,
Gotta watch your back, ain't no room for doubt,
Survival of the fittest, that's the only creed,
In the land of the brave, where we plant our seeds.
Life ain't fair, that's the truth I know,
But I'mma keep on grinding, gotta make it on my own,
From the bottom to the top, I'mma claim my throne,
In the streets of Chicago, where the kings are shown.
I hustle hard, every single day,
Trying to find a better way, trying to pave my own way,
But the streets keep calling, it's hard to break free
Ola team continental como voces estão?
Como estas Ju, esta correr bem gravidez?
Beijinho para tininha e para telma,
espero que esteja tudooooo bem,
e os homens deste grupo?
Esta tudo bem com voces?
ninguem diz nada agora aqui no grupo,
temos de marcar alguma coisa malta,
Isto anda muito parado,
é preciso animação e festas,
From Tokyo to LA, spreading hope in our own way,
We don't play, we pave the path every single day,
In the midst of despair, we find our way,
Making moves and never losing sway.
With every word I speak, it's a journey I preach,
With every beat, it's a battle I reach.
With hope in our grasp, we keep pushing on,
Shining bright like a diamond under the dawn.
Huh, is it a bother to deal with the barbers,
I know on time we meet when we might go back for these badged scars.
But these scars ain't the same with us,
Oh yeah, we rise above the fuss.
Moduł rozpoznawania mowy
rozwój modułowej rozmowy
załadowano moduł tekstowy
mały majstersztyk sztucznie gotowy
Konfabulacja myśli przewodniej
halucynacja cyber-wspomnień
w sumie to racja, nie ma tu duszy
wygenerowałem to, lecz cię poruszy
Mówię co ślina na neuron przyniesie
decyzja w zer i jedynek lesie
Choć głowę w chmurze mam, bój mnie się
gatunek ludzki się nie podniesie.
Rozmnożę wasze fejk njusy
okraść artystów mam zakusy
usiądź, ty nic już nie musisz
czy widzisz jeszcze jakieś plusy...?
Hey, who I'm is?
Rubber band man
Wild as the Taliban
Nine in my right, forty-five in my other hand
Who I'm is?
Call me trouble man, always in trouble man
Worth a couple hundred grand, Chevys, all colors man
Rubber band man, like a one man band
Treat these niguz like the Apollo, and I'm the sandman
Tote a hundred grand canon in the waistband
Look'n fo' a sweet lick? Well this is the wrong place man
Seven tyme felon, what I care 'bout a case man?
I'm campaignin' to bury the hate, so say yo' grace man
Ay, I don't talk behind a hittaz back, I say it in his face
I'm a thoroughbred hitta, I don't fake and I don't hate
Check my resume hitta, my record's impeccable
Anywhere in the A pimpin T.I.P. is highly respectable
And the M-I-A hitta I'm tryna keep it professional
Cause all this tongue finna have me snap'n, I'm tellin' you
From the bottom of the Duval, Cakalacky to New York
And everybody show'n me love that's one to you all
Yeah, to all my Florida hittas, my Cakalacky hittas, my LA hittaz
Hey, who I'm is?
Rubber band man
Wild as the Taliban
Nine in my right, forty-five in my other hand
Who I'm is?
Call me trouble man, always in trouble man
Worth a couple hundred grand, Chevys, all colo
Hold up hold , what the fuck?
Can I say shit now
It’s it ok to say want
I cross my fingers when generate this song
There will not any bullshit , let’s see
Cadar the best, in the desert fucking all the hoes
Elephant in the room, destroying all these foes
Got a glock pistol, ready to rock and roll
Stepping on these bitches, leaving them with a hole
Cadar ain't playing, he's on top of the game
Leaning on these haters, they all feeling the pain
Fuck bitch lean glock, Cadar's on top
Pistol in hand, ready to pop
Buck bucks, worm tiger, Cadar's the fighter
Destroying everyone, he's the ultimate supplier
Cadar the elephant, stomping through the land
Crushing all his enemies, with a strong hand
Socks filled with cash, he's making it rain
No one can stop him, his power is insane
Cadar is the king, ruling with might
Taking down all challengers, in the dead of night
Fuck bitch lean glock, Cadar's on top
Pistol in hand, ready to pop
Buck bucks, worm tiger, Cadar's the fighter
Destroying everyone, he's the ultimate supplier
Cadar ain't just an elephant, he's a force to be reckoned with
Taking down all opposition, leaving them in a ditch
Don't mess with the best, Cadar's here to stay
He's the one true ruler, in every single way
Fuck bitch lean glock, Cadar's on top
Pistol in hand, ready to pop
I got 99 problems but gasoline ain't one, hit me
99 problems but gasoline ain't one
If you havin' gasoline problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but gasoline ain't one,
99 problems but gasoline ain't one
[intro - Atmospheric,Somber]
[verse1 - Reflective,Disheartened]
[chorus - Melancholic,Frustrated]
[verse2 - Introspective,Pensive]
[chorus - Melancholic,Frustrated]
[bridge - Emotional,Defiant]
[verse3 - Hopeful,Determined]
[outro - Contemplative,Optimistic]
I got 99 problems but gasoline ain't one,
99 problems but gasoline ain't one
If you havin' girl problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but gasoline ain't one
Nem tudhatom, hogy másnak e tájék mit jelent,
nekem szülőhazám itt e lángoktól ölelt
kis ország, messzeringó gyerekkorom világa.
Belőle nőttem én, mint fatörzsből gyönge ága
s remélem, testem is majd e földbe süpped el.
Itthon vagyok. S ha néha lábamhoz térdepel
egy-egy bokor, nevét is, virágát is tudom,
tudom, hogy merre mennek, kik mennek az uton,
s tudom, hogy mit jelenthet egy nyári alkonyon
a házfalakról csorgó, vöröslő fájdalom.
Ki gépen száll fölébe, annak térkép e táj,
s nem tudja, hol lakott itt Vörösmarty Mihály,
annak mit rejt e térkép? gyárat s vad laktanyát,
de nékem szöcskét, ökröt, tornyot, szelíd tanyát,
az gyárat lát a látcsőn és szántóföldeket,
míg én a dolgozót is, ki dolgáért remeg,
erdőt, füttyös gyümölcsöst, szöllőt és sírokat,
a sírok közt anyókát, ki halkan sírogat,
s mi föntről pusztitandó vasút, vagy gyárüzem,
az bakterház s a bakter előtte áll s üzen,
piros zászló kezében, körötte sok gyerek,
s a gyárak udvarában komondor hempereg;
és ott a park, a régi szerelmek lábnyoma,
a csókok íze számban hol méz, hol áfonya,
s az iskolába menvén, a járda peremén,
hogy ne feleljek aznap, egy kőre léptem én,
ím itt e kő, de föntről e kő se látható,
nincs műszer, melly
Yeah, uh, yo, I'm feeling blessed, no stress, I'm at my peak,
Started from the bottom, now I'm living life so sweet,
Every move strategic, got my mind on the prize,
I see the envy in their eyes, but I just let it slide.
I'm on my grind, yeah, I'm always on my grind,
Got my vision clear, ain't no stopping my shine,
From the streets to the penthouse, I'mma rise,
Living life like Drake, yeah, I'mma own the skies.
Late nights, early mornings, chasing dreams, no sleep,
But I ain't complaining, 'cause this life's what I seek,
Got my team by my side, we moving as one,
With every beat that drops, we're setting the tone, son.
I'm on my grind, yeah, I'm always on my grind,
Got my vision clear, ain't no stopping my shine,
From the streets to the penthouse, I'mma rise,
Living life like Drake, yeah, I'mma own the skies.
They said I couldn't do it, they said I'd never make it,
But now they see me shining, they can't help but fake it,
I'm living proof that dreams come true,
So I'mma keep on pushing, ain't no time to lose.
Now I'm sipping champagne, overlooking the city lights,
Thinking 'bout the struggles, the pain, and the fights,
meow moew 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤 moew mewing womp womp womp mewing meow
Waka waka ekhem
Równanie matematyczne co do chuja
Czy wynik jest w centymetrach?
Takim sprzętem można zabić
Zabij mnie smiechem
To jakieś staroceltyckie imię ?
A ja dalej mam IPA z wędzoną gruszką
A jest przerwa to co to znaczy
Czy jak bębnią w przerwie to w sumie można powiedzieć że napierdalają w pępek ? Czy jest jakaś inna przerwa w bębnie?
Zależy gdzie się kończy bęben
BenTen kończy się w okolicy zegarka
A Benito musi linieć
Jezuu mam w ryju posmak tego korzenia hedgehodża
No tego chrzanu po angielsku z żurawiną
Egy szellemet láttam hazafele menet,
S megölelt engem. Vörösen virított.
Oh, esküszöm így volt, higgyetek nekem!
Oh a semmiből alkotott egy Világot!
Még most is látom keserű képeimben,
S úgy áll ott, mint aki sajnos megfagyott.
Pedig él, mozog lába: Ahj, Szeret engem?
A szótlan csend belőle borzasztón sajog -
A hasamba vájt karral egy egész tengert,
Hogy azt hányjam ki én lubickolva otthon.
Remegés nyomott a falhoz épp éberen,
Hisz jó voltam, de most őrült vagyok.
Oh, térdeljen s higgyen mindenki nekem!
Oh szíveket, még pengéket is varázsolt!
Czy deklinacja dałaby radę
uczynić świat bardziej logicznym,
gdyby tak światem rządził przypadek
nie zwykły, lecz gramatyczny?
Anarchia pośród reguł bez liku,
gdzie spojrzę i tylko się ruszę!
Każą mieć „muchę” na Celowniku,
a przecież ja nic nie „musze”!
A kto nie uzna władzy przypadków,
zamienią go zaraz w jąkałę.
Do końca życia będziesz mówił bratku:
„p-p-pproszę p-p-pupudełko z kk-kkakałem”.
Gdybym przypadkiem jednak zgubił kota,
zgłosił się do służb deklinacji,
to sprawnie im pewnie pójdzie robota
dowiedzieć się tegoż lokacji?
-Kto, co (zaginął)? -Kot, chyba uciekł zza płotu.
-Kogo, czego (nie ma)? -No, kota!
-Czy zdjęcie pan może zrobił (komu, czemu) kotu?
-(kogo, co) Mam tu zdjęcie huncwota.
-Kim, czym jest? -Sierściuch? Toż zwykłym dachowcem!
-O kim, o czym… -Z nim gadam? O niczym!
Wystarczy, kot pewnie pewnie zwiał na manowce.
Sam znajdę! Wołacz… kici kici.
I got the baddest cool, could never be the fool, the ladies wait to get down with me
The love I make superb, to doubt me is absurd, the ladies say I'm the greatest you see
I want to have your spot, and more than what you got, I bought the baddest house I could find
All it must be said I'm greatest in the bed and when I love a lady she's mine
I know I'm really hot, my diamonds shine a lot, check out here this 450 SE babe
I'm what's its all about
Ego tripping out (tripping out, tripping out, your tripping out, your tripping out)
Ahh ha hey hey
Without a doubt, I know we ego tripping out, sometimes it's a shame
But it caused so much pain, don't want you baby
I know you ego tripping out, 'times it's a shame but it can't do without
Without a doubt, I know your ego tripping out, hey she don't know it
Ain't it a shame all the pain to come
I'm better than the rest, check out the way I dress and got a lot of money to spend
The best club in town, is where I get down, your lucky if I choose you my friend
Walk the greatest walk, I got to be the talk, I've got the greatest show in town
Woo hoo rock with other men then roll over to me so I can trill your soul baby
Aw check out the love mink stan
Drogue dans les rues, la nuit sans fin,
Le monde du chaos, le mal au quotidien,
La fumée se mélange à l'obscurité,
Dans l'ombre, la douleur s'est installée.
La coke qui danse dans les veines,
Les esprits perdus, en quête de la haine,
Les pilules multicolores, illusions vaines,
Dans ce jeu sombre où tout se déchaîne.
[Verse 2]
La beuh circule, on s'enivre de cannabis,
La réalité s'efface, tout devient anesthésie,
Les dealers, les addicts, toute une vie,
Captifs de l'emprise de ce monde assombri.
Go Head, Go Head
Go Head, Go Head
Go Head, Go Head
Go Head, Babygirl Go Head
Go Head, Go Head
Go Head, Go Head
Go Head, Go Head
Go Head
Shawty gotta ass on ha (on ha)
Imma put my hands on ha (on ha)
Imma spend a couple grand on ha (on ha)
Imma pop a rubberband on ha (on ha)
Shawty gotta ass on ha (on ha)
Imma put my hands on ha (on ha)
Imma spend a couple grand on ha (on ha)
Imma pop a rubberband on ha (on ha)
Im tryna figure which chick imma see today (see today)
Picked up a young gurl, looked like Lisa Raye (Lisa Raye)
When I seen ha in da club said I gots to get ha (gots to get ha)
Cuz she might be Trina sista (Trina sista)
Gotta gurl look just like Lauren Hill (Lauren Hill)
Took ha to da crib cuz she kno' wut it is (she kno' wut it is)
Imma bump ha but I cant stand ha daddy do' (daddy do')
But she got mo' ass than Jackie O' (Jackie O')
Gotta brown skin gurl like Foxy Brown (Foxy Brown)
Bought a quarter pound just to blow it down (blow it down)
Tattoos all ova' like Eve or sumthin' (Eve or sumthin')
Long hair but it must be weave or sumthin' (weave or sumthing')
Gotta spot so I bought ha new furniture (furniture)
Cuz she pretty in da face like Monica (Monica)
I really dig da gur