
Top Rap Music Hits - Download Now

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Nında shane

Nında shane

Created By JMG With Suno AI

නන නන නා... නින්ද නොයන හැන්දෑවේ සොඳුරුයි ද මොනතරම් දුක නැතුවමත් නොවෙයි ඔබ යන්න යනවනම් සිපගන්නට පමණක් නම් ඔය දෙතොල් ළං කලේ විඳ ගන්නට මම ඉන්නම් එන නිවාඩුවට එනකන් නින්ද නොයන හැන්දෑවේ සොඳුරුයි ද මොනතරම් දුක නැතුවමත් නොවෙයි ඔබ යන්න යනවනම් දෑස් වසා (දෑස් වසා) කඳුලු සලා (කඳුලු සලා) දෑස් වලින් (දෑස් වලින්) සිනා සිලා (සිනා සිලා) සුසුම් වලින් (සුසුම් වලින්) කතා කලා (කතා කලා) ඔබ යනවා (ඔබ යනවා) සුවඳතියා (සුවඳතියා) නින්ද නොයන හැන්දෑවේ සොඳුරුයිද මොනතරම් දුක නැතුවමත් නොවෙයි ඔබ යන්න යනවනම් සිපගන්නට පමණක් නම් ඔය දෙතොල් ළං කලේ විඳ ගන්නට මම ඉන්නම් එන නිවාඩුවට එනකන්


Created By Miguel Macia With Suno AI

Todos los dias duermes,me gusta como hueles,cuando me das tu aliento me pongo contento,vamos,vamos,vamos a almorzaaaar que tengo hambreeee y me dan calambreees
Imagine - John Lennon.

Imagine - John Lennon.

Created By Julien With Suno AI

[Verse] Ma plume s'envole, ma voix résonne, Dans ce monde où la souffrance résonne. Je dévoile les maux déguisés en rimes, Mes paroles frappent comme des uppercuts d'un boxeur sublime. J'observe ce torrent d'injustices, Des vies brisées, des histoires tristes. Mais sous mes couplets percutants, Se cache une douleur tapie dans l'ombre, silencieuse, tourment. [Verse 2] J'écris pour ceux qui n'ont pas de voix, Pour ceux qui pleurent en silence, sans écho. Le quotidien est une jungle sans pitié, Mais mes mots sont là pour exorciser cette réalité.
Jen jedna

Jen jedna

Created By lukas brandejs With Suno AI

Chovala jsi se ke me dosud jako k nikomu Diky tobě jsem dostal pocit ze mužů zazářit Dala jsi mi možnost a naději mít sám sebe rad To naše v uvozovkách mrdani jsme měli jen my dva. Bylo to něco co nás dva spojovalo. Nikdy jsem se takhle dobre s nikým necítil Dostal jsem pozornost uznání a hlavně jsi mi začala dodávat sebevedomi Změnila jsi toho kurva moc ale celkem dost novych pocitu se tím probudili a já jsem z toho hodně zmatený nevim co co znamená hodně pocitu jsem už dávno v sobě pohřbil Nikdy jsem si nebyl na stroprocent jistý, tak proste nevim kde se bere ten stoprocentní pocit a sebejistota, že bych tě udělal šťastnou do konce života. Tohle nechápu… Máš úžasný dar dávat energii. Ostatní lidi my ji braly, ale ty jsi ji dokázala vrátit zpátky Teď nedokážu snést pocit být sám a jsem z toho smutný. Doteď my to nevadilo.. nevim jestli jsi my dávala naděje, možná ani nemusela tvoje povaha tvůj smích tvoje psaní každý den tvoje starost o druhy tvoje overthinkovsni, které máme společný a částokrat si mohu domyslet jak se asi citíš, tvoje ujetost🤣 Prostě jsem vstoupil do světla a už nechci zpátky mám strach a bojím se bylo to skvělý bolí to a zároveň mám radost ze jsem tě potk
paw or rich

paw or rich

Created By 3eeererreerererer rererererererer With Suno AI

Uk drill Rap about Zeizaly and he was the king
The Patient Pursuit

The Patient Pursuit

Created By Big Body With Suno AI

[Verse] In the library, studying degrees Got my head in the books, chasing dreams But there's a girl, makes my heart skip beats A hopeless romantic, caught in the schemes [Verse 2] She's so fly, with that smile so sweet But I can't make my move until my work's complete I'm grinding through college, gotta get my degree So I can lay it all down at her feet [Chorus] Patiently waiting, biding my time Till I finish undergrad, she'll be mine But I'm a hopeless romantic, can't deny Gonna make her my queen, gotta hold on tight


Created By RB With Suno AI

I am b ack i am back You can never stop me
Paws on the Beat

Paws on the Beat

Created By Slendoo With Suno AI

[Verse] Meow, I'm the king of the jungle, I roll with the pride But in the concrete jungle, cats take the stride Fluffy fur, sharp claws, we bring the heat Yeah, cats, we the illest, the best on the street Pouncing through the night, our eyes shining bright We stealthy in the shadows, always ready to fight We don't need no leash, we roam free and wild Independent creatures, we're everybody's child [Verse] You see us strut, tails up, we run this place From the alleyways to the royal palace, we embrace We're sleek and we're sly, got that feline grace Claws sharp as knives, we leave a mark with every chase
靳祖坤 Diss Track

靳祖坤 Diss Track

Created By gold small With Suno AI

Midnight Serenade

Midnight Serenade

Created By Aidan Segura With Suno AI

[Verse] Late at night, in the glow, it's a heavenly sight Jake and Aidan, playing keys, they're feeling alright Rudy the cat, on their laps, purring so tight But don't worry, they feed him well, that feline's their delight [Verse 2] Keys are chiming, fingers gliding, harmonies rising Jake and Aidan, lost in music, the moment inspiring But as they share an intimate gaze, their lips colliding They forget that Rudy needs his food, a cat's hunger's undying [Chorus] Midnight serenade, in the moonlight they sway But let's not forget Rudy, his tummy growls, okay
Breaking Chains

Breaking Chains

Created By Aidan Segura With Suno AI

[Verse] Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell 'Bout a fella named Ben, who broke out of his shell He grew up in a world where he couldn't be himself But he knew deep down, his truth he had to unveil [Verse 2] See, Ben was strong, but he struggled every day In a society where he felt he had to hide away But he knew inside, he couldn't keep it contained So he made the decision to break out of those chains [Chorus] Breaking chains, breaking free Ben Kellns, we see your journey No more hiding, let your light shine We'll stand by your side, every single time
Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage

Created By michael collins With Suno AI

You were sexually abused as a child Collateral damage You suffered physical abuse when young Collateral damage You have anger management issues Collateral damage You have a short fuse Collateral damage You have lost control Collateral damage She drove you to it Collateral damage She had an affair Collateral damage She left and took the kids Collateral damage She left you with nothing Collateral damage You have your pride Collateral damage You were made to feel small Collateral damage She needed to be taught a lesson Collateral damage She would not give you sex Collateral damage She was being a bitch Collateral damage You never learned how to act responsibly in life You were not adequately socialized You had severe psychological trauma growing up You have an inadequate personality and low self-esteem You have mental health issues You are a victim here too! There is a war inside your head! Unintended consequences! You didn't mean it! Collateral damage! You are sorry! Sorry… 'Sorry' doesn’t cut it… mate!


Created By Lost Sparrow With Suno AI

I stand up for the Lord and for nobody else, I got my faith in him like nobody else he's real v
Mennyország tourist

Mennyország tourist

Created By Péter Figlár With Suno AI

Ülj le mellém Valamit mondok Szomjas vagy látom Egy üveg bort kibontok Figyelj Lehet, hogy nem vagy gyenge De ha a szívedbe szalad a penge Attól nem érzed magad jobban Ha a kocsidban bomba robban Tudom én, erős vagy persze De ha a fejedben ott van a fejsze Majd a fegyver csövébe nézel Ott már semmire nem mégy pénzzel és Hiába vagy gazdag Ha az égiek leszavaznak A kocka, ha el van vetve Te meg a föld alá temetve Ott már hiába van ügyvéd Aki a törvényektől megvéd Itt senki se golyóálló és És Ha szakad a védőháló A halálugrás végén a túlvilági TV-n majd


Created By Bella Lulis Rpdriguez With Suno AI

Madre guerrera sin igual Tu fuerza inspira, tu amor no tiene final Enfrentas el mundo con valentía. Un ejemplo de lucha, una madre con corazón Madre eres luz en la oscuridad Un faro de esperanza, con tenacidad Guías a tus hijas por el buen camino Con amor y paciencia, los llenas de cariño Eres madre y padre, en un solo ser Tu amor se multiplica, sin medida ni parecer Trabajas sin descanso, para darnos lo mejor Un futuro brillante, lleno de amor Madre eres luz en la oscuridad Un faro de esperanza, con tenacidad Guías a tus hijas por el buen camino Con amor y paciencia, los llenas de cariño Eres heroína anónima, digna de admiración Tu fortaleza nos inspira, tu amor nos da emoción Madre eres ejemplo de vida Un ser excepcional, llena de bondad y de dicha, te amo mamá.


Created By Carlos Andión With Suno AI

Ha llegado el día, vamos de "ikas bidaia". Desde el instituto de Sarriguren, hasta la playa. Con los mejores irakasles, vámonos de ikasbi. Primero pasaremos por el Pirineo: Rafting, y en el paintball te disparo si te veo. Después a Barcelona, la ciudad nos espera. En Salou, Portaventura y discotequeo.
Taking Shots

Taking Shots

Created By Kagiso Siyapi With Suno AI

Shoot if you gunning for it if you coming for me DRUSTIC measures plastic feathers predicting them lies I was having fun lies in disguise Minding mines Stories of an unborn child losing minds bad intentions of a sad man Living like Bad man swimming in the pain Is you fly Penetrating and ferocious man living in the sky i was living life devil told me i could lie fuck it wasn't right But I Still did the time.
Broken promise

Broken promise

Created By Gennie Takamoto With Suno AI

Create me a song regarding a person that promised to take care of everting, but lied and does nothing do nothing.


Created By Dániel Tóth With Suno AI

Tessék! Kiaz?! Hogy a jó kurva anyádat! AZtat! Szente csaba. Aztat. El lesz intézve a valagad! Az biztos! Nefélj! Te szente csaba, nee szórakozzál velünk, mert beszélek azzal a zsoltal!
Cyber Dreams

Cyber Dreams

Created By Richard Tang With Suno AI

I got potatoes in my bag and I think it's really swag
Money Mayhem

Money Mayhem

Created By John Tran With Suno AI

[Verse] I step up in the game, no time for playing nice Stacking up the paper, making money my vice I'm the king of this hustle, I'm the ruler of my fate Every move I make, I cement my place I hustle and grind, never slowing my pace Gotta stay ahead, don't wanna fall from grace I dominate the game, I'm the alpha, the boss Competition trembles when I come across [Verse 2] I'm on another level, I'm on top of the game I rise like a phoenix, setting fire to the flame I'm the definition of success, the epitome of power Every step I take, I tower and devour


Created By Мария Унчанин With Suno AI

[куплет] Я проснулась этим утром Немного взбешенная Увидела еще один заголовок Мне стало так грустно Максим влюбился Путин в его сердце Но я здесь, чтобы сказать тебе Это разрывает нас на части [куплет 2] У Владимира есть сила Он держит нас под прицелом Но Максим слеп Он видит только сияющие огни Но за фасадом Скрывается более темная правда Путинские манипуляции Все это уловка [припев] Анархия в Кремле В воздухе витает хаос Любовь Максима к Путину Это просто несправедливо Но мы не отступим Мы будем бороться за то, что правильно В Кремле анархия Мы прольем свет


Created By Radek Kowal With Suno AI

"Wielka Masakra" (Refren) W tę noc, gdy miasto śpi, Wielka masakra rozgrywa się. Słyszysz strzały w powietrzu tonące, W tej bitwie, gdzie mrok sięga brzegów. Zwiń pięści, gotuj się na bój, To miasto, gdzie nie ma litości w tle. Królowie ulic walczą o władzę, A krew na brukach to ich znak. (Wers 1) Ulice toną w ciemnościach, Palcami spoczywają na spuście broni. Widzisz odbicia strzał na szybach, To hymn tych, co żyją pod znakiem zła. Serce miasta bije w rytmie wojny, Tam, gdzie sny toną w kałużach krwi. Nie ma gwiazd, by oświetlić mrok, To miejsce, gdzie każdy dzień jest próbą. (Refren) W tę noc, gdy miasto śpi, Wielka masakra rozgrywa się. Słyszysz strzały w powietrzu tonące, W tej bitwie, gdzie mrok sięga brzegów. Zwiń pięści, gotuj się na bój, To miasto, gdzie nie ma litości w tle. Królowie ulic walczą o władzę, A krew na brukach to ich znak. (Wers 2) Patrole wciąż krążą po ulicach, Ale każdy krok to walka o życie. Znaki gangów na murach królują, To kodeks, który tłumaczy ich język. W tych ulicach nie ma przyjaciół, Tylko sojusze zbudowane na strachu. Ale wśród ruin i popiołów, Nadzieja wciąż płonie, jak płomień w ciemności. (Refren) W tę noc, gdy miasto śpi, Wielka masa
El dios MESSI

El dios MESSI

Created By oriol aubiu With Suno AI

[Verse] En el campo de juego brilla la estrella, Messi, el titán, domina la pelota, Con sus gambetas, ningún rival deja de rodillas, El rey del fútbol, el que todo lo controla. [Messi Soundbite] "¡Gol!" [Verse 2] Con sus regates, deja a los defensas confundidos, Sabe encontrar el espacio, no tiene límites, Con velocidad y precisión, va hacia la gloria, Sus goles y asistencias son una historia.