Παναγιωτης Πανταζής, ο καλυτερος αθλητης που περασε ποτε απο την ιστορια της πυγμαχιας, γνωστος και ως Pantazator ειναι terminator και ο στοφορίδης πολυ μιναrator, θα τον κανει πουτανα στο ξυλο ο Πανταζής, θα του δωσει το μουνι που τον πεταγε στο χερι
宋骏城 宋骏诚,我要diss你
宋骏城 宋骏诚,我要diss你
宋骏城 宋骏诚,我要diss你
宋骏城 宋骏诚,我要diss你
Egyszer volt egy ember, szakála volt kender, Kender, kender Felmászott a fára, leesett a sárba, Sárba, sárba Két kutya húzta, a harmadik nyúzta, Nyúztaa nyúzta Sárni néni siratta, kis kutyája ugatta, Ugatta, ugatta Kender szakál sáros lett. könnyes arca Kutyák ugatása
Egyszer volt egy ember, szakála volt kender,
Kender, kender
Felmászott a fára, leesett a sárba,
Sárba, sárba
Két kutya húzta, a harmadik nyúzta,
Nyúztaa nyúzta
Sárni néni siratta, kis kutyája ugatta,
Ugatta, ugatta
Kender szakál sáros lett
Sára néne könnyes arca
Kutyák ugatása
(verse 1)
duygular oldukça (zayıf)
kendimi gördükçe (kayıp)
yaşardım öldükçe..
koştum düştükçe..
heralde sevdikçe (varım)
birazda bencilce (yarım)..
hayatı güçlükle..
yaşarım kendimce...
(verse 2)
zor tabi her şey bazen
tükenir kalbim ruhen,
çeker dibe sona getirir
yaralı gövdem..
nedenleri görmem
zaman alır dönmem,
nefesimi veren alır
değiştikçe roller..
bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir...
zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..
bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir...
zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..
(verse 3)
kaybetsemde oyunu
taşıyorum umudun..
bu kalbimdeki tohumu
Seçtim yolun zorunu
düşünmedim sonunu
hayat verir notumu
tüm dertler aştı boyumu
(verse 4)
kader getirmedi kimse yardıma
bugün bana verilenler şansıma
gördüklerim aynadaki yansımam
kopar bir an içimdeki fırtına
geçmişimin izlerinde şarkılar
beynim,içim mazi dolu sancılar
yolu düşer ruhum yine kaygıda
içimdeki çocuk ölü kıydılar..
bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir...
zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..
bitmedi derdi bu serseri devrilir...
zehrin ihaneti bulamadım panzehir..
Gwadys Kolley, c'est toi que je veux
Mon amour pour toi est plus grand que le ciel bleu
Depuis le premier instant où nos yeux se sont croisés
Je savais que c'était toi, ma destinée
[Verse 2]
Je ne peux pas imaginer ma vie sans toi
Chaque jour, tu illumines ma vie, tellement je t'adore
Mon amour pour toi est éternel, infini
Je serai toujours là pour toi, jusqu'à la fin de ma vie
Je t'aime tellement, Gwadys Kolley, pour toujours (pour toujours)
Tu es la seule dans mon coeur, mon amour le plus pur (le plus pur)
Rien ne peut séparer notre amour, ni le temps, ni l'espace (l'espace)
Gwadys Kolley, je serai toujours ton homme, ta place (ta place)
El culo más grande de la historia grabado lo tengo en mi memoria de repente huele a pedo me pregunto quien es culpable el olor es inimaginable. Juanjo, porfavor juanjo
dejame ver ese culo rebotando yeah, Juanjo porfavor Juanjo dejame ver ese culo rebotando. Dale Juanjo deja de jugar primo no quiero perder más copas contigo dale Juanjo vuelves a faltar a clase me contestas al día siguiente ola k ase se compra unas Nike incluso un chándalcito
pero para cuando un buen lavadito, dale dale dale deja hacerte el corte de nobita
dale dale dale que ya llega a echarte la bronca la mamita dale dale dale a su papá le da la manita dale dale dale su tetita esta bien bonita Juanjo porfavor, no quiero recoger almendras contigo Juanjo porfavor, no quiero cosechar contigo el trigo yeah cocinas producciones mueve ese culo mueve mueve ese culo dale Juanjo menealo
szia baba mizu ma tali vagy mi a fasz (mi a fasz)
egesznap hiivlak de tudom nem vagy fiuval (fiuval)
de akkor mi van mar
a szemembe fuj a szel faszom kivan mar (mivan mar)
az exemnek nem tetszem mar vagy mi a fasz
oszinten leszarnam de gecire kiakaszt
hogy folyton a kibaszott faszomat szopja (kepletesen)
nelkulem nem lenne stilusa a tagodnak, mondtam
a csajnak csak a fasz kell nekem nem kell
ez a kibaszott faszfej anno a faszom verte
jon valaki mas
el huzok a faszba
nem kell mondani de nemis akartam
nem is akartam geci nem is akartam
attol felek hogy leszopna az anyja is
a tali az jo volt
ez a tag ez pont jo, nekem jo bolt
de ha nem tetszek neked akkor nezz tobb pornot
Zuerst war alles falsch.Dann haben wir doch einen Weg gefunden.Wir haben nachgedacht und nachgedacht.Wir haben am Ende die Ecke abgeschnitten
### Letra de Música Trap: "Vida Clandestina"
Yeah, yeah, uh
Vida luxuosa, armas, favela, gostosas, yeah
Dinheiro, superação, essa é a vida, yeah
[Verso 1]
Na quebrada eu cresci, lutei pra vencer
Com determinação, não tem como me deter
Rolezinho de luxo, cash na mão
Mulheres gostosas, nessa vida de paixão
Armas no bolso, eu sou o rei da favela
Um guerreiro na selva, vida bela
Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina
Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha
No topo da montanha, admire a vista
Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista
[Verso 2]
Da quebrada pro mundo, eu vim pra dominar
Com estilo e classe, ninguém vai me parar
Luxo e ostentação, é o meu lema
A cada passo dado, mais perto do esquema
Dinheiro na conta, e o rolê não para
Na busca pela glória, ninguém me cala
Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina
Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha
No topo da montanha, admire a vista
Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista
Na vida de perigo, eu trago a sobrevivência
Entre armas e rimas, encontro minha essência
Nas curvas da vida, sigo a trajetória
Conquistando meu lugar, nessa história
Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina
### Letra de Música Trap: "Vida Clandestina"
Yeah, yeah, uh
Vida luxuosa, armas, favela, gostosas, yeah
Dinheiro, superação, essa é a vida, yeah
[Verso 1]
Na quebrada eu cresci, lutei pra vencer
Com determinação, não tem como me deter
Rolezinho de luxo, cash na mão
Mulheres gostosas, nessa vida de paixão
Armas no bolso, eu sou o rei da favela
Um guerreiro na selva, vida bela
Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina
Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha
No topo da montanha, admire a vista
Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista
[Verso 2]
Da quebrada pro mundo, eu vim pra dominar
Com estilo e classe, ninguém vai me parar
Luxo e ostentação, é o meu lema
A cada passo dado, mais perto do esquema
Dinheiro na conta, e o rolê não para
Na busca pela glória, ninguém me cala
Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina
Dinheiro fácil, problema se avizinha
No topo da montanha, admire a vista
Superar cada obstáculo, essa é a conquista
Na vida de perigo, eu trago a sobrevivência
Entre armas e rimas, encontro minha essência
Nas curvas da vida, sigo a trajetória
Conquistando meu lugar, nessa história
Vida clandestina, nessa rua que me ensina
Matte les points blancs dans la nuit
Bien sûr qu'on a souffert
Mais on les bat à nos rêves
On les bat à nos rêves
Tu connais pas la suite
Croit pas qu'on a tout fait
On les bat à nos rêves
On les bat à nos rêves
Qu’est-c'qu’il y a après la vie ? (du feu)
A tout heure j'peux t'rétrécir
Sans douteur on est très sûr (très sûr)
Pas d'douceur j'dois épaissir
La douleur
La douleur soigne les blessures (merci)
Souriez devant les démons
T'es moins bon qu'ces gens si t'as pas l'même prénom (souriez)
Ta maman c'est une reine
Lе genre de rеine qui va tirer mon traineau
Pas sûr du très haut mais j'porte la croix
Elle m'dit qu'elle m'aime
Est-c'que j'dois la croire ?
Solo que j'dois accroître
Chaque jour au studio
Toi dans la boite
Comme ça qu'on défie les lois d'la gravité
Ça fait des trous dans tes points vitaux
N.O.N.I.O plein d'qualités
De quoi faire trembler ces branlitos
Là j'suis agacé, j'suis déjà meilleur que la seconde passée
300 auditeurs par mois
C’est pas beaucoup
Mais j'peux t'dire que ceux-là l'ont bien senti passer
L’affaire est glacée
Mon sang est classé
100% pédigrée
Lourd comme cétacé
In the shadows of my mind, I'm lost and I'm confused
Trying to find my way out, but I'm feelin' so abused
Life keeps knockin' me down, it's like a constant fight
But I won't give up, I'll keep pushin' through the darkest night
[Verse 2]
I got demons in my head, they're whispering in my ear
Tellin' me I'll never make it, fillin' me with fear
But I won't let them win, I'll rise above the pain
I'll keep on movin' forward, breakin' free of these chains
I'm struggling with life, but I won't let it break me down
I'll find the strength within, turn my life around
I'll rise above the shadows, reach for the sky
I won't let the darkness consume me, I'll keep on flyin' high
Tudják mikor járom az éjszakát fehér Merci virít a sarkon áll várom mikor jössz hozzám el tűnünk egy szempillantás boldog vagyok ha veled vagyok
Show you how to freeload, how to mooch and boast
How to bum around with just a can of beans to roast
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
The rusty pickup out back, I sold it for this jug
Redneck trailblazer, rhinestone grill lookin thug
If I had an option, I'd pick sittin' in the mud
Stunt hard on swing Tho I’m dirty as a spud
If you tryna show me work, its time to ghost
Keep my Patched overalls and my bed of compost
Corn cob in The mouth, better watch your step
House like a hoarder, everything unkempt
Woodchuck roast and sparrow pâté,
Dilapidated dwelling is the redneck way
48 buy the hound, but a Bennie for the rocks,
Sell trash as treasure just building up my stocks
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
Need that welfare like its my homestead
Trade my SNAP for a needed pack of reds
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
I could show you how to freeload
Show you how to freeload, how to mooch and boast
How to bum around with just a can of beans to roast
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
The rusty pickup out back, I sold it for this jug
Redneck trailblazer, rhinestone grill lookin thug
If I had an option, I'd pick sittin' in the mud
Stunt hard on swing Tho I’m dirty as a spud
If you tryna show me work, its time to ghost
Keep my Patched overalls and my bed of compost
Corn cob in The mouth, better watch your step
House like a hoarder, everything unkempt
Woodchuck roast and sparrow pâté,
Dilapidated dwelling is the redneck way
48 buy the hound, but a Bennie for the rocks,
Sell trash as treasure just building up my stocks
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
Need that welfare like its my homestead
Trade my SNAP for a needed pack of reds
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
I could show you how to freeload
在街头亮起的霓虹灯,KIKO BURGER梦开始的地方,
KIKO BURGER不只是汉堡,这是我的人生,
You’re wrong. Totally wrong. Who’s wrong? You are! Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. You’re not correct. You’re wrong
Takin the rari down the street. I ain’t shower in like a week. My booty stank. My feet are rank. I pooped in my birthday cake.
Show you how to freeload, how to mooch and boast
How to bum around with just a can of beans to roast
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
The rusty pickup out back, I sold it for this jug Redneck trailblazer, rhinestone grill lookin thug
If I had an option pick sittin' in the mud,
then Stunt hard on my swing looking dirty as a spud,
If you tryna show me work, its time you need to ghost
Keep my Patched overalls and my bed of compost
Corn cob in The mouth, better watch your step
my House like a hoarder, everything unkept
Woodchuck roast and sparrow pâté,
Dilapidated dwelling is the redneck way
48 buy the hound, but need a Bennie for the rocks,
Selling trash as treasure just building up my stocks
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
Need that welfare like its my homestead
ball hard wit a SNAP card but ill trade it for a pack of reds
Show you how to freeload, show you how to freeload
I could show you how to freeload
You’re wrong. Totally wrong. Who’s wrong? You are! Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. You’re not correct. You’re wrong
Whipping the rari down the street. I ain’t shower in a week. My feet are rank. My booty stank. I pooped in a birthday cake.