
Top Metal Music Tracks - Explore Now

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Against u

Against u

Gemaakt door Michael metSuno AI

Go!! This blood on my hands is the spoils of my work Broken beaten but yet to be defeated I've wanted this I've bled for this And I die before I quit (chorus) Every breath I make Every step I take I'll stand against you! (against you) Every move you make Every breath you take I'll stand against you (against you!) (verse2) Again you're in your pit of self pity Your stench of deceit befalls me You're known for your lies There's nothing hidden in your eyes I'll be there at every step to Deny your fallacy of truth. (chorus) Every breath I make Every step I take I'll stand against you! Every move you make Every breath you take I'll stand against you (against you!)
Tarnowski’s Revenge

Tarnowski’s Revenge

Gemaakt door Aaron Willis metSuno AI

A heavy metal song about a creepy guy named tarnow that has an alter ago named scar that lives in the sewers and abducts kids. While he is a bad guy, he has a soft spot for a thick woman named Milch.


Gemaakt door Murat Topoğlu metSuno AI

[Verse 1] In the corner of my heart, where love once bloomed There's a shadow of hate, where dreams were doomed Two sides of a coin, in eternal strife Love's gentle whispers, hate's piercing knife [Chorus] Love and hate, intertwined in fate Two emotions that endlessly oscillate In the depths of my soul, they collide A turbulent dance, where hearts abide [Verse 2] Love, like a flame, burns bright and warm Igniting passion, a shelter from the storm But hate, a cold wind, tears love apart Leaving shattered pieces, a broken heart [Chorus] Love and hate, intertwined in fate Two emotions that endlessly oscillate In the depths of my soul, they collide A turbulent dance, where hearts abide [Bridge] Yet amidst the chaos, a glimmer of light A hope that love can conquer the night For in love's embrace, hate loses its might And hearts once torn, begin to unite [Chorus] Love and hate, intertwined in fate Two emotions that endlessly oscillate In the depths of my soul, they collide A turbulent dance, where hearts abide [Outro] So let's weave a tapestry, from love and hate Embracing both, before it's too late For in the balance of these fragments torn apart Lies the essence of life, the beat


Gemaakt door Krisztina Kis metSuno AI

Refren: Krisztina és Joco, szívük mélyén tenger árad, 14 éve ismerik, 11 éve már házasok ők. 1. Vers: Égbolt sötétjében találkoztak, mint csillagok fénye, Egy pillanat, s már tudták, ez az ő sorsuk reménye. Muffin és Polly, két kutyus, a család ölelő karja, Boldogságuk olyan édes, mint az érett gyümölcs íze harapva. Refren: Krisztina és Joco, szívük mélyén tenger árad, 14 éve ismerik, 11 éve már házasok ők.


Gemaakt door Szymon Kwiatkowski metSuno AI

Widzę wszystko z góry, mimo że to nie Sky Tower Przeszywamy chmury i niezbadane lokacje Odkrywamy mapę, te symulację w poszukiwaniu wrażeń, chyba se radzę Kolego, to Toledo, kolego, to miękkie dragi Jak widzi mnie ktoś na trzeźwo, to czuję się nagi Brakuje odwagi, wiesz, staram się to naprawić Ale nie ma tu coś za nic, za wszystko trzeba zapłacić Kolego, to wielka cena, jak chcesz siekać z muzy sos I kolegi tu już nie ma - obrał trochę inny tor U mnie, wciąż sporo się zmienia, nawet pierdolony dom Ale wiesz, co się nie zmieni? - zawsze Dida on the top Pot, łzy, woksy, BMW i popsy Blanty, dropsy, ziomalе koksy W aucie, w nocy, ciut mokrej szosy Niebеzpieczne manewry, endorfin nigdy dosyć Posty, o marihuanie, na ochocie, potem S-ki Czy chcę tynk, jak na remoncie? Jestem prosty Wypierdalaj, albo będzie boxing Wracam znów do gierki, Seat jak z Assetto Corsy Trasa, pit-stop, bomba, rura Nie chcę wiedzieć, co na to prokuratura (jebać) Mam jeden problem, wiesz? Za bardzo się wczuwam I potem rana boli, jak po kuli, kurwa, dziura Się wykrwawiam, benzyną z domieszką skuna Taka sprawa, olej, trawa, nie olewam, to natura Neutral, wkurwiam się na mój spokój ducha Ale w lufę ziele wsuwam,


Gemaakt door Peter metSuno AI

In the frozen wastes, where shadows reign, A king once noble, now consumed by pain. Bound by darkness, his soul betrayed, Arthas the Lich King, forever enslaved. With Frostmourne's blade, he claimed his crown, His heart turned to ice, his kingdom torn down. Through blood and sorrow, his legend grew, A tragic hero, his destiny he knew.
The Lichking

The Lichking

Gemaakt door Peter metSuno AI

In the frozen wastes, where shadows reign, A king once noble, now consumed by pain. Bound by darkness, his soul betrayed, Arthas the Lich King, forever enslaved. With Frostmourne's blade, he claimed his crown, His heart turned to ice, his kingdom torn down. Through blood and sorrow, his legend grew, A tragic hero, his destiny he knew. Arthas, the Lich King, ruler of the night, In the depths of Northrend, he commands his might. A fallen prince, his spirit now entwined, In eternal darkness, his legacy defined. From Lordaeron's halls to Icecrown's keep, His undead armies never sleep. With every step, darkness unfurls, The scourge of Azeroth, he conquers the world. His eyes ablaze with unholy fire, A soul corrupted, consumed by desire. No mercy shown, no remorse in his gaze, Arthas the Lich King, forever in a daze. Arthas, the Lich King, ruler of the night, In the depths of Northrend, he commands his might. A fallen prince, his spirit now entwined, In eternal darkness, his legacy defined. But in the depths of his icy heart, A glimmer of the man torn apart. Memories fleeting, echoes of his past, A hero lost
The Lichking

The Lichking

Gemaakt door Peter metSuno AI

(Verse 1) In the frozen wastes, where shadows reign, A king once noble, now consumed by pain. Bound by darkness, his soul betrayed, Arthas the Lich King, forever enslaved. (Pre-Chorus) With Frostmourne's blade, he claimed his crown, His heart turned to ice, his kingdom torn down. Through blood and sorrow, his legend grew, A tragic hero, his destiny he knew. (Chorus) Arthas, the Lich King, ruler of the night, In the depths of Northrend, he commands his might. A fallen prince, his spirit now entwined, In eternal darkness, his legacy defined. (Verse 2) From Lordaeron's halls to Icecrown's keep, His undead armies never sleep. With every step, darkness unfurls, The scourge of Azeroth, he conquers the world. (Pre-Chorus) His eyes ablaze with unholy fire, A soul corrupted, consumed by desire. No mercy shown, no remorse in his gaze, Arthas the Lich King, forever in a daze. (Chorus) Arthas, the Lich King, ruler of the night, In the depths of Northrend, he commands his might. A fallen prince, his spirit now entwined, In eternal darkness, his legacy defined. (Bridge) But in the depths of his icy heart, A glimmer of the man torn apart. Memories fleeting, echoes of his past, A hero lost
Sin Mirar Atrás

Sin Mirar Atrás

Gemaakt door Valentín Dykin metSuno AI

Verso 1: En la oscuridad de la noche, Donde las sombras danzan sin control, Un corazón perdido busca su luz, En un mundo donde reina la confusión. Coro: Sin mirar atrás, seguiré adelante, Con el rugido del alma, rompiendo el silencio, Con cada paso, con cada latido, Luchando por la verdad en este laberinto perdido. Verso 2: Entre ruinas de promesas rotas, Donde el tiempo se desvanece en la bruma, Un grito de rebelión resuena en el aire, Desafiando al destino, buscando la cura. Coro: Sin mirar atrás, seguiré adelante, Con el rugido del alma, rompiendo el silencio, Con cada paso, con cada latido, Luchando por la verdad en este laberinto perdido. Puente: Las cicatrices son testigos del camino, Marcas de batallas que he librado en este andar, Pero no me detendré ante el abismo, Con el fuego en mis venas, nunca dejaré de luchar. Coro: Sin mirar atrás, seguiré adelante, Con el rugido del alma, rompiendo el silencio, Con cada paso, con cada latido, Luchando por la verdad en este laberinto perdido. Outro: En el eco de la eternidad, encontraré mi destino, Con la fuerza de mi ser, enfrentaré mi destino, Sin mirar atrás, seguiré adelante, En este viaje sin fin, hacia un mañana brillante


Gemaakt door Jon Wick metSuno AI

El guerrero de las sombras... descendencia implacable. Es campo santo, el guerrero impecable, bestias y demonios no son suficientes, más LIdel en el quipo se ha vuelto más resistente. oh camposanto el amo de la paz interior, pendientes míticos con una fuerza de resplandor, bajo la lluvia sus ojos brillan como la plata. A los demonios el aplasta como una rata
Designers de multimédia

Designers de multimédia

Gemaakt door Tiago Moutinho metSuno AI

No mundo digital, onde a arte floresce, Os designers de multimédia aparecem, não cesse. Com cores vibrantes e formas abstratas, Criam obras que nos deixam boquiabertos, sem matas. Pixel por pixel, criam cenários surreais, Em telas digitais, onde o impossível se faz reais. Com software e criatividade, moldam a realidade, E levam-nos a viagens de pura felicidade. Do Photoshop ao Illustrator, dominam a arte, E com talento e destreza, nunca há alguém que parte. Vídeos, animações, efeitos especiais, Nas mãos dos designers, tudo se torna celestial. São os arquitetos do mundo digital, Com habilidades que nos deixam sem igual. No vasto universo da multimédia, São eles que criam a mais bela sinfonia. Com linhas retas e curvas suaves, Os designers de multimédia são os heróis das artes suaves. Entrelaçam texturas e tipografias, Criando obras que despertam nossas alegrias. No palco da internet, brilham como estrelas, Com websites e interfaces que encantam como donzelas. No coração da cultura digital, Os designers de multimédia têm um papel vital. Assim, com seus talentos e criatividade sem igual, Os designers de multimédia continuam a brilhar no virtual.


Gemaakt door Tittancs metSuno AI

Na idefigyelj te büdös cigány! Ez egy három perces kibaszott faszopó normálisan fajnyejnyó pajnyejnyó fahá. Gömbörinygyő, Pöpmpörintytő, Föntyörintyő, könkörintyő ááá, kankerintyő, sinkerintytő, gömngörintyő, sinkerintyő, Pöpmpörintytő, Föntyörintyő, könkörintyő
Never give up

Never give up

Gemaakt door Victor M. Cosme Daza metSuno AI

Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Never give Up Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Never give Up Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Never give Up!
Never give up

Never give up

Gemaakt door Victor M. Cosme Daza metSuno AI

Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Never give Up Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Never give Up Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Oooooooooh Never give Up!
Fires of Hypocrisy

Fires of Hypocrisy

Gemaakt door 王王佳 metSuno AI

Verse A1: The flames of hypocrisy dance in the dark Chains of lies bind our freedom tight We wear masks, hide our true faces Puppets in the game of power, lost in its might War drums echo across the sky Anger burns within, unable to die Who’s manipulating this show? Trapped in blood, we struggle, how? Verse A2: Silent sobs on the altar of deceit Killing hidden under the banner of belief We follow blindly, lost our way Searching for hope in the shadow of death’s fray Smoke of war fills the land Flames of life slowly wane Who fans the flames of hate? Sinking in despair, our fate Chorus B: Fires of hypocrisy, burn our souls deep Shadows of war, cloak our world in gloom Gates of death, silently creep In endless night, we call for the light’s beam Verse A2 (Repeat): Silent sobs on the altar of deceit Killing hidden under the banner of belief We follow blindly, lost our way Searching for hope in the shadow of death’s fray Smoke of war fills the land Flames of life slowly wane Who fans the flames of hate? Sinking in despair, our fate Chorus B (Repeat): Fires of hypocrisy, burn our souls deep Shadows of war, cloak our world in gloom Gates of death, silently creep In endless night, w
Nyári Nap Alatt

Nyári Nap Alatt

Gemaakt door Maddoxx “Maddoxx” metSuno AI

Nyári nap alatt, a tengerparton, Szkításom mély, mint az óceán. Elkeseredettségem, mint a hullámok, Törnek rám, s nem hagyják abba. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el. A homokban járok, lábnyomokat hagyok, De a múlt szele elviszi őket. A nyár illata betölti a lelkem, De a szívem még mindig régi sebeket őriz. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el. A szkításom tánca, a parton végig, Mint a táncos, ki elvesztette a ritmust. A nyár dallama elhal a távolban, Míg a szívemben csak a csend marad. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.
Nyári Nap Alatt

Nyári Nap Alatt

Gemaakt door Maddoxx “Maddoxx” metSuno AI

Nyári nap alatt, a tengerparton, Szkításom mély, mint az óceán. Elkeseredettségem, mint a hullámok, Törnek rám, s nem hagyják abba. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el. A homokban járok, lábnyomokat hagyok, De a múlt szele elviszi őket. A nyár illata betölti a lelkem, De a szívem még mindig régi sebeket őriz. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el. A szkításom tánca, a parton végig, Mint a táncos, ki elvesztette a ritmust. A nyár dallama elhal a távolban, Míg a szívemben csak a csend marad. A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj, Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom. A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít, Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.


Gemaakt door Krisztina Kis metSuno AI

Refren: Krisztina és Joco, szívük mélyén tenger árad, 14 éve ismerik, 11 éve már házasok ők. 1. Vers: Égbolt sötétjében találkoztak, mint csillagok fénye, Egy pillanat, s már tudták, ez az ő sorsuk reménye. Muffin és Polly, két kutyus, a család ölelő karja, Boldogságuk olyan édes, mint az érett gyümölcs íze harapva. Refren: Krisztina és Joco, szívük mélyén tenger árad, 14 éve ismerik, 11 éve már házasok ők.
Among Shadows

Among Shadows

Gemaakt door mechanic bookmoth metSuno AI

Verse 1: Among shadows, beneath the summer night's veil, My sorrow is dark, as dark as the night. My despair, like storm clouds, Hides the stars, relentless in their shroud. Chorus: Moonlight pierces through, but my heart is frozen, Under the weight of memories, the earth quakes. The wind howls, but offers no solace, Only fuels the fire of my despair. Verse 2: In the darkness, I chase shadows, But the dark past swallows them whole. The scent of summer has long since faded, Yet my heart still guards old wounds. Chorus: Moonlight pierces through, but my heart is frozen, Under the weight of memories, the earth quakes. The wind howls, but offers no solace, Only fuels the fire of my despair. Bridge: My sorrow's song, throughout the dark, Like grief that finds no escape. The melody of summer has long been silent, While only pain remains in my heart. Chorus: Moonlight pierces through, but my heart is frozen, Under the weight of memories, the earth quakes. The wind howls, but offers no solace, Only fuels the fire of my despair.
Musings of the god emperor

Musings of the god emperor

Gemaakt door yourfriendlyneiborhoodne'erdowell metSuno AI

In all of my universe I have seen no law of nature, unchanging and inexorable. This universe presents only changing relationships which are somtimes seen as laws by short-lived awareness. These fleshy sensoria which we call self are ephemera withering in the blaze of infinity, fleetingly aware of temporary conditions which confine our activities and change as our activities change. If you must label the absolute, use its proper name: Temporary.
There's No Monsters

There's No Monsters

Gemaakt door Dylan James Cooney metSuno AI

[Verse] There's no Monsters under my bed, just bad thoughts going through my head, Hurting myself as well as others, Pain inflicted until bled, I'm not respectful of the dead [Chorus] Lost in this world, So I'm lost in the next, can't think good thoughts, I'll be evil till death, Satan claimed my soul
Emperor of Sands

Emperor of Sands

Gemaakt door yourfriendlyneiborhoodne'erdowell metSuno AI

[Verse] In the deserts of Arrakis, where the spice flows free I dwell upon my throne, the ruler they all see With golden eyes and an iron hand, I command the land Leto the Second, the god emperor of Dune [Verse 2] A thousand years have passed since I took the throne The price of power, the loneliness I've known I see the future, the golden path unfurled My rule is absolute in this desert world [Chorus] Emperor of Sands, with wisdom in my hands I hold the fate of many, the chosen ones Emperor of Sands, with prescience I command I shape the destiny of galaxies undone
Break It

Break It

Gemaakt door hampter hampter metSuno AI



Gemaakt door yourfriendlyneiborhoodne'erdowell metSuno AI

In all of my universe I have seen no law of nature, unchanging and inexorable. This universe presents only changing relationships which are somtimes seen as laws by short-lived awareness. These fleshy sensoria which we call self are ephemera withering in the blaze of infinity, fleetingly aware of temporary conditions which confine our activities and change as our activities change. If you must label the absolute, use its proper name: Temporary.